3 Reasons Why AI is the Future of Digital Marketing
What Is AI
By definition, Artificial Intelligence is the concept of computers performing tasks previously thought to be exclusively done by humans. Having employees do tasks such as analyzing data can be both inefficient and costly. It is because of this that businesses are experimenting with AI. While it may seem like a risky gamble, incorporating AI in your business can save both time and money.
AI Can Use Data to Analyse And Predict Customer Behaviour
One of the benefits of digital marketing is the accessibility of data and statistics. This is because customer behaviour can allow you to see what works and what you can do to either maximize or prevent the current output of your company. AI can also produce future projections for your business, so that you can make educated business decisions moving forward. AI data collecting is efficient in both time and cost. It is a great way to increase the revenue of your company.
AI Can Perform Customer Service
Before the use of AI in digital marketing, customer service providers were employed by businesses to answer questions from consumers. Depending on the volume of requests, it was very common for wait times to last extended periods of time. AI customer service isn’t used to replace the jobs of customer service providers. It exists to reduce wait times for consumers that have common questions about the given service. While QNA pages are helpful for most companies, specific services such as those that provide healthcare and travel have consumers that prefer to have their questions answered directly. By choosing pre-established questions in the given chatbox, the AI can use this knowledge to construct a helpful solution. Many modern day businesses still have the option for the consumer to speak with a real customer service provider, however it is more of a last resort than a recommended solution.
AI Can Run Email Marketing
Similar to the previous two topics, email marketing was previously exclusively done by employees. However, AI can improve the speed of output, while also cutting costs that can be better used elsewhere. AI can produce relevant emails to specific consumers based on collected data. As a result, the emails can be completely personalized towards the customer, increasing the chance of financial prosperity for your company. AI emails are not exclusive to advertisements. They can also be used for other topics such as receipts, information about an order, or general information about your company. This process will prove to be quick and affordable for your company.
As long as you use AI in the correct way, your company is sure to prosper in the market. In the near future, more and more businesses will begin to use this tool to their benefit. If you have any questions, be sure to contact the Virtual Image team today.